Come Join The Party On Facebook!

Come Join The Party On Facebook!

WPMU Loves Facebook
WPMU and Facebook up a tree, kay eye ess ess eye en gee…

That’s right, a real life party. Well, a virtual one, anyway.

Let me start with a sob story. Us WPMU writers are a neglected bunch. James actually has us locked in a dark cupboard for 21 hours of the day. We eat from those moulded metal food trays that you see in prison movies.

Prison Food
Prison food never looks this healthy in the movies.

The only thing that actually keeps us going is interaction with you lovely folk. We love your comments (and always endeavor to respond to each and every one), and we love chatting and getting to know you better on the WPMU DEV Facebook Page.

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Share The Love

So this is an appeal to you, dear WPMU reader, much like the charity commercials you see on TV. But you don’t have to pay us $2 a month – just head over to the WPMU DEV Facebook Page, “like” us, and get involved!

We’re always seeking your feedback, asking questions, posting quizzes, and generally keeping it real in a WordPress stylé. Don’t miss out!

Creative Commons photo courtesy of David Davies
