The Top 100 WordPress Blogs (The WPMU 100) – Call For Votes!
We have decided on an ambitious undertaking here at WPMU. We are going to produce a definitive list of the top 100 WordPress-focused blogs, which will be known as The WPMU 100.
The league table will be based upon an objective analysis of publicly-available data (such as PageRank, Alexa rating, inbound links, and comments).
In order to do this, we need your help. If you want to see a blog in the top 100, it needs to be submitted for consideration. You can do so via the comments section in this post, the appropriate status update on our Facebook page, or by using the #WPMU100 hashtag on Twitter. You are more than welcome to submit your own blog for consideration.
In order for a blog to be considered, it must dedicate the majority of its content (i.e. >50%) to WordPress-related topics. Please note that submitted blogs must actually be blogs (i.e. not theme or plugin directories). Those are the only two requirements – everything else is fair game!
Voting will close at midnight on Sunday 5th February, and the league table will be published on Monday 6th.
Good luck to all participants!
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